Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aziz's dream

First of all i'm so sad to say what i'm going to say it but at the same time i'm feeling deeply happy because those thoughts or may be dreams will be sharing with you people because it must be ....any way august 16th was an unforgettable day not just for me but also for all those i join them visiting the "National Institute for Children"in Manooba  there where i met Aziz a 4 years boy he is homeless; abandoned and handicapped.....he was totally disabled barely able to control his hands but that's couldn't stop him from dreaming and acting....couldn't prevent him from smiling and drawing a sun...a heart...a dove all that couldn't make him lose that faith that we could may be need it more then him;his disability and inability did not stand a barrier to his ambitions may be you are wondering why i'm telling you that but the controversial is that that day when  i was whit Aziz and it must be a day for charity taking care of children having fun with them dancing,singing,drawing ,giving gifts and making them smile...that day and when i was helping him painting because he hardly  can move his hands i ask him that familiar question:"when you're grow up what do you like to be???"....and you know what was the answer !!!he tell me that his dream is becoming "spider man"!!!!'spider man'..... is that a familiar answer from a young    kid whith special needs ....unfortunetly not for me!!!that's why i couldn't  stop my tears from falling but i keep asking him and pretending being normal why you would like to be spider man???he  respond that his dream is saving the humanity ;peoples are daying and suffering from poverty, wars,and hunger..i was choked really i wouldn't expect thar answer but i ask him another time who tell you that he said that he saw it on TV!! He saw it once on TV and that's pushed him to save the humanity and you people you are living in this pain daily,seeing people suffering day by day daying every single day and didn't even think of donate giving food,clothes or saving them like what Aziz the 4 years boy who can barely moves dreamed of .....because these are minor things,secondary things for you ...there is many things much important like Sectarian conflicts and  fight positions are much more important isn't!!!!Shame on you people....shame on you !!!!Conclusion : Aziz is much human then you maybe you get an 'overdose' Of apathy  make you doesn't care any more of being human or belonging to human race whatever was the differences color  skins,languages,religions.... 

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